Congratulations! You’ve signed an agreement for JSB to remodel your space and we could not be happier to be helping you through this project! I am sure you are wondering, “What’s next?” In this article, we are going to outline the steps in our process and what you can expect moving forward so that you are confident, relaxed, and comfortable in having selected JSB to complete your project.
Upon signing your agreement with your Design Consultant, you will receive a copy of your agreement via email. If it does not come to your inbox – please check your junk mail. If you still cannot find a copy, do not fret – we will bring a copy to your pre-construction meeting.
A representative from our office will call you 7-10 days after you have signed your agreement to schedule your pre-construction meeting. Both homeowners are not required to be there, but both are certainly welcome.
Attendees: One or both homeowners, your design consultant and your project manager will be at your pre-construction meeting.
Time: The pre-construction meeting takes about 30 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on the size of the project.
Content of the Meeting:
After your pre-construction meeting, any changes to the drawings will be made as necessary and emailed to the homeowner for final approval. Once final approval has been given on the drawings and project details, the project gets put into production. The production manager and scheduling coordinator will keep the homeowner in the loop as the products are being manufactured and sent to us. Once we have acknowledgements from our manufacturers of when your material will be in house, we will call and provide you with a detailed timeline of the day to day of the project, and when and how it will be completed.
We will call you a week before the project to confirm the dates still work for you, ensure that the project before yours hasn’t run long, and that we are still on schedule to start your project.
Congrats, your project is officially in production!