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DIY Kitchen Remodel: Do I Really Need a General Contractor? 5 Questions To Ask Yourself

September 3rd, 2024 | 4 min read

By Callie Lovejoy

DIY TroubleThe DIY trend has surged in recent years, thanks to the easy availability of social media inspiration, “How-to” videos, tutorials, and the convenience of purchasing tools and materials.

But when it comes to your kitchen remodel, should you take the DIY route or bring in a general contractor?

At JSB Home Solutions, we've been remodeling kitchens across central Ohio for 46 years, including stepping in to complete projects that started as DIY ventures. We know what it takes to see a DIY project through to completion because we've heard firsthand why many DIYers eventually turn to us to finish their kitchen remodels. While we certainly have a vested interest in the outcome, our primary goal isn’t to convince you to hire a contractor. Speaking from personal experience, I've tackled a DIY kitchen remodel myself, and there are times when a DIY project can be the perfect solution. Our aim here is to guide you through the decision-making process between DIY and hiring a contractor so that your kitchen remodel is successful, no matter which path you choose.

In this article, you'll find the essential questions to consider when deciding whether to tackle your kitchen remodel on your own or to bring in a professional. With this information, if you choose the DIY route, you'll feel confident that your project will be a success.

Table of Contents:

  • #1 Do You Have the Necessary Skills to Complete Every Aspect of Your Kitchen Project?
  • #2 Will a DIY Kitchen Remodel Save You Enough Money to Make It Worthwhile?
  • #3 Do You Have the Time to Dedicate to Your Kitchen Project?
  • #4 What Quality of Materials Can You Access?
  • #5 How Much Risk Are You Willing to Take On If Things Go Wrong?

#1 Do You Have the Necessary Skills to Complete Every Aspect of Your Kitchen Project?

How-Long-Should-a-Kitchen-Remodel-Take-JSB-Home-SolutionsA DIY kitchen remodel might require proficiency in plumbing, electrical work, flooring, backsplash tiling, countertops, and drywall installation. If you’re comfortable with these tasks, you can move forward with your DIY plan.

However, if you lack confidence in your abilities, it might be wise to consult a professional. Without the right skills, you could find yourself stuck halfway through a project, ultimately needing to hire a contractor after investing significant time and money.

#2 Will a DIY Kitchen Remodel Save You Enough Money to Make It Worthwhile?

DIY kitchen remodels can often cost about half as much as hiring a professional, which sounds appealing. But before you grab a sledgehammer, there are a few other factors to weigh so you can accurately compare the total cost of DIY versus the cost of a kitchen remodel with a contractor.

  • Do you already have all the tools you’ll need, or will you have to purchase them? New tools will add to your overall expenses.
  • How much time will the project take, and what is your time worth?

If you have the tools and are willing to invest the time, DIY could be a cost-effective option. However, if you need to buy expensive tools or can’t justify the time investment, hiring a professional may be the better choice.

#3 Do You Have the Time to Dedicate to Your Kitchen Project?

Projectdelay-600x400Consider when you’ll be working on your kitchen remodel. Will it be in the evenings and on weekends after your regular job? If your day job is physically demanding, will you have the energy to take on a remodeling project afterward?

One of the toughest parts of any remodel is living with the construction mess. The last thing you want is to start a project, realize you don’t have the time or energy to finish, and end up living in a construction zone. Be realistic about the time and motivation you’ll have to complete the project.

If you’re eager and ready to dive in, go for it! But if you’re unsure whether your schedule can handle a big task like a kitchen remodel, hiring a professional could be the smarter move so you can enjoy your finished kitchen sooner.

#4 What Quality of Materials Can You Access?

Think about the quality of materials you’ll be able to purchase. For example, a faucet bought at a home improvement store might have plastic fittings, while the same brand and style of faucet purchased by a contractor could have more durable brass fittings. The extra cost of a contractor might be worth it if it means getting higher-quality materials for your kitchen.

#5 How Much Risk Are You Willing to Take On If Things Go Wrong?

20230321_101344-scaled-1Ask yourself how comfortable you are with surprises. The truth is, you never really know what you’ll find when you start tearing into a kitchen. You might be prepared to hang new cabinets, only to discover corroded pipes and rotten wood underneath your sink and dishwasher. Are you ready to handle those unexpected challenges?

Surprises can arise during and after your kitchen remodel. A product could fail, or perhaps it wasn’t installed correctly, leading to issues like crooked cabinets or a leaking faucet months after the project is finished. This is where warranties come into play.

Some materials may only be covered by a manufacturer’s warranty if installed by a licensed contractor. Doing it yourself could void those warranties. Make sure to read the fine print on your materials to avoid accidentally voiding any warranties during your project.

Additionally, most contractors offer a minimum 1-year workmanship warranty, and some provide even longer coverage. At JSB Home Solutions, for instance, we offer a limited lifetime workmanship warranty for as long as you own your home. With a DIY project, you won’t have access to these warranties.

If you’re confident in your skills and comfortable with the warranty terms, a DIY project might be the right choice. But if you’re not a fan of surprises or want the peace of mind that comes with product and workmanship warranties, hiring a general contractor is probably the better option.

Is a DIY Kitchen Remodel Right for You?

Saving money is often a major reason homeowners choose to go the DIY route for a kitchen remodel. But there’s a lot to think about before you start tearing out tiles.

A DIY kitchen remodel might be the best choice if you…

  • Have the necessary skills to complete all aspects of the project
  • Don’t need to buy too many tools
  • Have the time to dedicate to the remodel
  • Can access high-quality materials
  • Feel confident handling surprises during and after the project

On the other hand, hiring a general contractor might be the better option if you…

  • Lack the skills to complete the project, such as waterproofing or plumbing
  • Need to purchase many tools
  • Don’t have the time to finish the project in a timely manner
  • Can only access lower-quality materials
  • Want the security of product and workmanship warranties

If you decide that hiring a contractor is the right choice for you, be sure to ask the right questions to find the best kitchen contractor for your remodel.

Time and money are two of your most valuable resources. Using them wisely will help ensure your kitchen remodel is a success!


Callie Lovejoy

JSB Home Solutions was founded by my dad. Growing up around the family business means that I've been living and breathing home remodeling for quite literally my entire life. When I'm not at work, you can find me homeschooling my three kids, in the garden, or cheering my kids on at wrestling tournaments.